I want to schedule an activity and students will select from available sessions. Which activity should I use?

You can use Choice activity.

You may follow these steps:

  1. Go to course page.
  2. Click "Turn editing on" button.
  3. Click "Add an activity or resource" link.
  4. A new window will open. Select "Choice" and click "Add" button. 
  5. Complete the fields marked with by *.
  6. From "Options" section select "Yes" from the "Limit the number of responses allowed" dropdown menu if you want to limit the number of students for each session.
  7. Type each session information into an "Option" field.
  8. Type the maximum number of students of each session to the "Limit" field of the related Option.
  9. From "Availability" section you can restrict answering time.
  10. Click "Save and return to course" button.

After your students select the available sessions, to get the list you may follow these steps:

  1. Go to course page.
  2. Click the Choice activity you have created.
  3. Click "View N responses" link. N is the number of students who have responded.
  4. You can download the responses.