How to calculate course total using weights?

To calculate course total grade using weights, you need to use "Weighted Mean of Grades" aggregation option. To select/change the aggregation option you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to the course page.
  2. Click on "Grades" link from the Course Administration.
  3. On the top of the page, click "Setup" tab.
  4. "Categories and Items" table will be opened of which in the first row of this table the name of your course is written. From the first row click "Edit" link in the Actions column.
  5. Click "Edit settings" option on the pop-up menu.
  6. Under the "Grade category" section there exists an "Aggregation" option. From "Aggregation" dropdown menu select "Weighted Mean of Grades" option.
  7. Click "Save changes" button. 
  8. A new column for weights will be added to "Categories and Items" table. Enter the weight for each grade item.
  9. Click "Save changes" button. 

Please note that, total of weigths should be equal to Max Grade of Course Total for correct calculation.