How can I take attendance online?

In order to take attendance online, you may use "Attendance" activity. 

To add "Attendance" activity to your course, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to course page.
  2. Click "Turn editing on".
  3. Click "Add an activity or resource" link on a week/topic you want to add Attendance activity.
  4. Select "Attendance" from the list and click "Add" button.
  5. General settings of activity will be displayed. Type a name for the activity which will be displayed on course page. The default value is "Attendance".
  6. Using "Grade" section you may determine the grading policy for attendance. If you do not want to grade attendance from "Type" dropdown menu, please choose "None".
  7. Using "Extra restrictions" section you may limit network addresses. If you know the subnetwork addresses, please type them separated with commas.
  8. After completion of settings, click "Save and display" button.

To add sessions to "Attendance" activity, please follow these steps:

  1. Click on "Add Session" tab.
  2. Using "Add Session" section, set session timing.
  3. Using "Multiple Sessions" section, you may add repeating sessions.
  4. Using "Student Recording" section, you may let students to record their own attendance.
    1. Enable student recording by clicking "Allow students to record own attendance" box.
    2. Select appropriate option from "Automatic marking" dropdown menu. "Automatic marking" dropdown menu options are:
    • Disabled: Students need to click on the activity and type the password.
    • Yes: Students will be automatically marked depending on their first access to the course. 
    • Set unmarked at end of session: Any students who have not marked their attendance will be set to the unmarked status selected. 
  5. "Student password" option determines if a password will be required for students to record attendance. Select appropriate option. The options are:
    • Type a password in the text box. This password will be same for all sessions created.
    • Leave the text box empty, if you do not require any passwords.
    • Click on "random password" box. After saving the session click "Sessions" tab. You will see the sessions and on the "Actions" coloumn you will see a key icon (). Click on the key to display random password. You need to give this password to students in order them to record attendance.
    • "Include QR code" option is not recommended since it is not working properly.
Click "Save changes".

To list the sessions, please click on "Sessions" tab. To display the attendance of students, please click "Report" tab.